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"Yes, I can 2.0"

We improve the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities through sports and physical activity.

“Yes, I can 2.0” is a program dedicated to physical and psychological development and support of children with disabilities and special educational needs through sports and physical activity.
The objective is to provide children with disabilities access to inclusive training, unveil their potential. Foster barrier-free sports services and a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities.


The main activities under the program:

regular, cost-free training sessions for children with disabilities in the regions of Ukraine.
inclusive training sessions with sports celebrities. Motivation of children, interesting training, involvement in physical activity and socialization improving psychoemotional and physical condition.

inclusive equipment for children’s institutions to create barrier-free spaces for children.

How to join our goal

  • One-time contribution

    Even a single donation brings us closer to our common goal – healthier Ukraine

  • Program patron

    Choose the closest for you direction and make a contribution for its implementation (quarterly, semi-annual, annual)

  • Program patron

    The program may be implemented specifically in your region. We believe that each direction should be scaled, and the health of every Ukrainian knows no borders.

  • Tell about the program

    Communication support is crucial. More people should know about the "unpopular topic" of physical education. Twice as much should know about those who support this topic. Share the program on your social media platforms.

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